Online Availability Check
Please check for availability through our online booking system, Book King
Go to window labeled "Public Access" and then click "Click Here" to go to the appropriate page.
Once there:
- Steps 1 and 2 are done for you.
- Step 3; select Calendar view,Time Slot or Block Time, whichever search parameters best suit your needs.
- Step 4; select the facility you want to enquire about (PowerPlex is the full gym, Crosbie or Parsons is ½ gym, Crosbie 1,2 and Parsons 3,4 are 1/4 gym or Combat Room).
- Step 5; scroll over the dates to see what's taken and what's available. Make notes of the dates and times slots that would be best for you.
- Step 6; Email request to; be sure to include Full Name, Contact Number, PSO affiliation and Team Name.