Booking Policy

  1. Booking requests must be made in writing by emailing Booking requests are not confirmed until a booking invoice has been received by user group and digital signature request has been completed.
  2. Payments can be made by cheque payable to NL Sports Centre and invoice #(s) should be quoted in memo section of cheque; cheque can be sent to address on invoice. If E-transfer payments are preferred, please use and quote Invoice #(s) in message section of e-transfer. Note e-transfers are set for automatic deposit so no password will be needed.
  3. The NL Sports Centre requires all user groups provide a minimum of two weeks written notice to cancel confirmed bookings.  Phone cancellations will not be accepted. Cancellations inside the 2 week window are subject to full payment.   
  4. The user group is responsible for cleanup of all litter. This refers to all areas of the facility. I.e. concessions area, locker room etc. Non-compliance could result in the user group being charged for the clean up and/or refused further rentals.
  5.  Rental period is to include set up and take down of all equipment. Failure to comply may result in extra charges or refusal of entry in future.   
  6. Set up and take down of all equipment is responsibility of user group. All equipment/property belonging to NL Sports Centre must be returned to its proper storage space.  NLSC staff will oversee set up and take down. 
  7. Any damage to equipment or facility as a result of misuse or inappropriate behavior will result in user group paying for damages or future refusal of entry.   
  8. All outdoor footwear must be removed before entering the gymnasium and combat room portion of the Sports Centre.   
  9. Absolutely  no  food  or  drink  to  be  consumed  in  gymnasium  or  combat  room  area. Exceptions  are  made  only  for  athletes  and  officials  training  and  competing  (water  and sports drinks only).
  10.  Tournaments and Special Events. All tournaments and events designated as fund raising events will be charged full rate and will need approval of the NL Sports Centre Management.  These Special Events may be subject to other costs to the user as deemed appropriate by the management.
  11.  NL Sports Centre reserves the right to refuse rental to any or all of its facilities to user groups deemed inappropriate by the manager.   
  12. Insurance. All user groups will require their own Insurance Policy indemnifying the NL Sports Centre (min $2,000,000 liability insurance) against any injury/damages as a result of their rental.  NL Sports Centre will require a copy of the user group’s insurance certificate naming the NL Sports Centre.  
  13. All user groups must sign a License Agreement before using NLSC Facilities.