Rental Facilities

See all our areas for rent and book them while you can.

Powerplex (Gymnasium)

High Performance Hardwood Sports Floor

64 m x 46 m unobstructed clear space

Sub-dividable by ½’s  (2 - 32x46m areas) or ¼’s (4 – 16x23m areas)

4 regulation basketball courts or 6 regulation volleyball courts;
all playable at one time

Combat Room

Combat Room  

11 m x 11 m

Padded floor and wall system.



Benvon's Room

21 m x 21 m

Nexxfield X-Gen E2 Turf System

Padded Perimeter Wall System


Concessions Room

7 m x 12 m

Seating capacity for 30

Suitable for meeting space with portable AV capability


Riley's Room

714 sq.m (7684sq. ft.) of quality Strength and Conditioning Space

Includes 3000+ Nexxfield X-Gen Fitness Turf System